Sunday, February 20, 2011


thoughts pondering as echoes of death linger
shadows of those gone haunting the once clear sky
and for once i weep for the country called home
for how long must i shed tears of sadness?
as people chant songs of war in outrageous madness
i think of innocent blood about to be shed
without care they rampage on Her pride and honor
as they cut off the legs of my love
chocking the freedom that we paid dearly for
must it be my only love Kenya?

as i look helplessly thoughts of days gone bombard
i close my eyes afraid of the sight ahead
then a certain bliss fills my turmoiled heart
i hear children playing without a care
Kenyans walking in pride, working for my love
tranquility of Peace, Love and Unity shared by all
Love as our heritage and Brotherhood our shield
beautiful clouds gather turning.........
as drops of blood trickles sadness is aroused
must it be my only love Kenya?

eyes open as realization that it was only a dream
but is this true that we stumbled on a small rock?
that we forgot my only love Kenya!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


This is all she wrote

Dear past'
Am sorry for it couldn't last.
I need you to move on
for out of love we have grown.
For along the way we went wrong.....
By now we have known
that good things don't last for long.
But to you my soul will belong
for my heart sings you a love song.
Though you are no longer mine
our past will always shine.
The light in our love is gone
so i have to say goodbye to our home
for we knew this day would come.
I grow sadder
for this is my last letter.
To my greatest lover